After the disastrous summer of 2019/2020, we all want to be better prepared for the warmer months. The Australian climate outlook for summer 2020/2021 is, unfortunately, going to be another dicey one. Expect a lot of hot days, and the consequences of a La Niña.
Climate Outlook: Rainfall for Summer
Much of mainland Australia will be wetter from October to December 2020. Several days will see a rainfall possibility of 75% or higher. The Eastern half of Australia will enjoy the lion share of this rainfall from October. Much of Western WA and coastal areas in the east have an even chance of being drier or wetter, time will have to tell on that one.
Climate Outlook: Temperatures for 2020/2021
The last few months of the year are likely to be warmer than average in the northern and southeastern regions. Southern WA can expect to see cooler than average days over the same period. Most of Australia will also experience warmer nights, compared to previous years.
You can stay attuned to the climate outlook for summer by following the Bureau of Meteorology website.
Impact of La Niña in Australia
La Niña in Australia refers to an increased chance of rainfall. Of course, with this comes the increased risk of flooding and cyclones. Whilst La Niña conditions are important for reducing drought in Australia, there are some consequences.
For example, increased rain will lead to a boom in foliage and brush growth, which then dries out thanks to the warmer than average conditions over summer. Dry brush means an increased risk of bushfires, and we all know how devastating the last summer was.
La Niña effects patterns of atmospheric pressure and global atmospheric circulation, too. You can learn about what La Niña is, how it comes to be, and how it impacts the climate globally, right here.
Prepare for Disaster Recovery
In case of a climate emergency, you want to be as prepared as possible for a disaster. The Queensland Government provides guidelines for disaster preparation, weather emergencies, and recovery on their website.
Save the contact for a disaster recovery service in case you need assistance this summer.